One Miss Elohoh, said to be a plantain seller allegedly killed her newborn baby boy hours after delivery on Monday, November 27. Elohoh, said to be in her late 20s, resides with her mother and siblings at No 1 omohwovo street, Iwhrekpokpo in Ughelli North, Delta State. Below is the report posted on Facebook: Report has it that she put to bed a handsome baby boy late in the evening of Monday, in her house without aid or assistance from neighbor’s or midwife. But the cry of the baby attracted the attention of one of the neighbor’s, who called on others to share the good news. On arrival they saw that the door was locked and Miss Elohoh refused to open the door, but on the persistence of one of her siblings, she opened the door. The kind hearted neighbor did a marathon in getting some of the needed materials, like cloths and food for the baby and mother since she didn't buy any. Jubilation was agog with the arrival of the bouncing baby boy. After the celebration, everyone went home ...